Guild Structure and Governance
  The guild is governed by a Guild Leader and ten officers.  These ten officers have equal authority over guild matters; final resolution on all guild matters is by a majority vote between them.  However, it is the intention that, whenever possible, the members themselves decide issues themselves by majority vote.
At any time the current officers can choice to increase the amount of officers within the guild if thought necessary. This is done by a majority vote amongst the Officers.
Officers can also elect to remove Officers and Guild Members by an unanimous vote of all officers. 
Guild Leader will serve a term of 3 months, after which the Officers can elect a new Guild Leader from amongst themselves and the dethroned Leader will step down and assume a position of an officer.
Applications for Guild Membership
  Membership into ROT is by invitation only.  If you are sent a tell asking as to if you would like to join, then it has been carefully weighed and thought about.  If you were not specifically invited, then there is a board for prospective members to post their intentions to join under our Forums section.  We may then decide to get to know you better if we wish.

Guild members wishing to invite someone must post their intentions within the guild only forum.  All guild members will then have one week to post their thoughts about the prospect, be it good or bad.  Guild officers may then decide to vote this member in based upon the feedback solicited by the guild.

General Conduct
  Members are expected to conduct themselves without being an embarrassment to themselves or the guild.  While we are a PVP guild, we will be honorable in our methods.  Once a person is killed, we will move onto the next victim, allowing the previous victim to retrieve his corpse safely, under the condition he does not loiter, or disrupt our efforts within the area.  We do not bind point camp.  All of these rules are subject to change depending on the situation, and as to whether or not we think you are worthy of our honor.
Disputes between members
  It is recognized that in it is impossible to expect any large group of people to get along perfectly.  However, members should always treat each other with respect regardless of a personal conflicts.

If one member has a problem with another, there are several valid courses of action.  Speaking privately (not on guildchat) to that member about the problem, speaking privately to an officer or guild master, leaving the issue alone (many problems do resolve themselves) are all possibilities.  But in all cases, guild members should treat each other with respect.  Attempting to solve one problem by creating a worse one is no answer-- give your guild mates the benefit of the doubt whenever possible.

Use of Guildchat
  Guildchat has many uses during normal times.   Finding a group, asking or answering questions, or simple chatting.  During multi-group guild events, guildchat may be reserved for commands and coordination of the event.

At no time should guildchat be used for excessive complaining, whining, insults or attacks on other guild members, or repetitive spamming.

Event Participation
  No member is ever required to attend a guild event. Just remember the better the showing of force we have, the better chance we have to receive better gear and live through the outing.  Special consideration is given to members who regularly attend events, as described below.
Loot Distribution
  R.O.T. recognizes three types of loot items, those received during normal day-to-day groups, those from planned or multi-group guild events, and those looted from Dragon-level mobs (Nagafen, Vox, Phinigel Atropos, and etc).

For normal loot, no formal guild policy exists.  Although the guild recommends you use the event-loot policy, it is up to the members of that specific group to agree on their own policy.

For event loot, a "who-will-use" rule applies. If an item will be used by the primary character of an attending player, that person is eligible for special consideration. The item must not only be useable by that player, but the player must use it specifically and have not received the same item at some prior point in time.  Melee classes that use multiple weapon types are allowed to class each type of weapon separately (1HS vs 2HS etc) so that exclusive use of that particular weapon is not required, just that it will be put to use on a regular and consistent basis.

If more than one attendee falls into this class, the item is randomed among them.  Attendees that have attended more than one prior planned event in the two weeks without receiving special loot are eligible for one extra roll in this lotto. Attendees that have received a special item in the past two weeks are not eligible, unless all who can use the item have likewise received an item. As items received in this manner were worked for by a large number of people who gave up their chance to roll so that the guild as a whole can benefit, the player's original item should be given to the guild for the benefit of some other player.  If an attendee is not willing to do this, they may forego their special status, and roll normally for the item.

If no one falls into the "who-can-use" category, then all attendees may roll for the item.  An extra roll for event participation and disqualification for items received in the past two weeks also apply in this case.

Dragon-level loot is considered separately, but follows the "who-can-use" policy with two changes.  The "two-week" limit is replaced by a "last two dragon raid" limit, and players may only be disqualified from randoming by the receipt of other dragon-level items within that period.  All dragon-level items should remain within the guild, and not be sold or given away, or traded except for an equivalent item.

Violations and Punishment
  Except in the most egregious of cases, guild members will receive one official warning before being placed on probation, a second warning before being suspended for one week, and a third warning before being expelled from the guild.