Sullon Zek server Rules-Set    July 20 2001

The Sullon Zek server is a new server with a new rule-set. The rules for this server are very different than those on any other EverQuest server. In general the server is based on the concept of a PvP teams server, like Tallon and Vallon Zek, but with the teams chosen based on which god the character worships rather than the race of the character.

This document includes the PvP rules for Sullon Zek, and a list of the teams for the server. The 'teams' will be referred to as 'alliances' in this document, as they represent an alliance of the gods, rather than some sort of sports team…

 Sullon Zek rules:

  1. Player v. Player (PvP) combat can occur between any characters that are not on the same team, regardless of level. A level 50 character can attack and kill a level 6 character if that character is not a member of his alliance. But rules 2 and 3 apply.
  2. Characters will be immune to PvP combat until they have gained enough strength to survive the struggle. Characters below 6th level are not able to participate in PvP combat. The first time a character zones after gaining 6th level he or she will then become PvP enabled.
  3. Characters will lose experience when killed in PvP combat if the character that killed them is within 5 levels. The amount of experience lost will be the same amount that is lost if that character is killed by an NPC. Your corpse can be resurrected by a cleric to partially restore lost experience.
  4. Characters will only be able to loot coins from other characters, and then only if the victim was within 5 levels of the killer. Only the character getting the killing blow will be able to loot the corpse.
  5. Players may only have one character at a time on this server. This means that you will have to delete the existing character in order to create a new one. Because they are introducing a new class and a new race with the release of Shadows of Luclin they plan to make allowances at that time for those that wish to explore these new characters.
  6. Characters will not be able to group with anyone that is not on their Deity Team.
  7. Characters will not be able to invite someone to join their guild that is not on their Deity Team.
  8. All combat skills have their effective value capped at 2 levels above a players current level. Losing two levels will not cause you to lose any combat skill effectiveness. Losing more than that will cause those skill caps to be lowered so that they remain only two levels above your current level.
  9. Resistance debuff spells have a 50% increased effectiveness against player characters.
  10. /consider returns only three kinds of results when used against player characters. 'Green' means that the character is below your range. 'White' or 'black' means that the character is within your range. 'Red' means that they are above your range. 'In range' means +/- 5 levels.
  11. /consider will also display a message indicating what team the target is on. Members of your own team will be displayed as an ally. Evil and Good team members /considering Neutral team members will see them as apprehensive. Neutral team members will see Evil and Good folks as apprehensive also. Good and Evil team members will see each other as threatening.
  12. Faction hits for PvP will be taken for killing characters within their racial home towns. Killing a human in any human starting city will cause a faction loss with the locals. Freeport, Qeynos and Surefall Glade are considered starting cities for humans. All of Greater Faydark and Felwithe are considered the starting city for all elves (high elves, wood elves and half elves), except dark elves. Paineel and Erudin are both starting cities for erudites. But killing any erudite in Erudin will cause you a faction hit, while killing an erudite from Erudin while in Paineel will not. Other cities are not considered home towns, despite being run and controlled by a certain race. For example, HighHold is not a human home town. Thurgadin is not a dwarven home town.
  13. Rules such as the Play Nice Policy do not apply to this server. Characters have the ability on this server to deal with their conflicts through combat. Causing experience loss by 'training' NPCs on other characters is not an offense that would warrant a warning on this server. HOWEVER: All rules regarding general decency still apply. Cursing, threats and other such things will be dealt with sternly, and are still unacceptable behavior on any server.
  14. Beneficial effects can not be used on members of another team.
  15. No character will be able to bind in dungeon zones.
  16. 'Buff' spells will not affect characters more than 20 levels lower than the spell level. Existing spell restrictions on spells over 50th level will supercede this rule.
  17. There will be 'insignia' dropped on the corpses of characters over 20th level that are killed by another character. They plan to allow those to be turned in for a reward of some sort. What that reward will be is undetermined at this time, but they are leaning towards a team reward rather than a personal reward.
  18. Naked corpses WILL disappear when looted by a player character. If you are naked and killed by a player character, your corpse will disappear when it is looted.
  19. Rogues will be able to pick the pockets of other player characters that are no more than five levels higher or lower than they are. They will only be able to gain coin in this fashion, they will not be able to gain as much as they can off of non-player characters (unless the player character is carrying an unusually large amount of coin), and a rogue will find it harder to steal from a player character than from a non-player character. A rogue will only be able to pick the pockets on any given player character once every 30 minutes. Also, rogues that get caught with their hands in other peoples pockets when other civilized folks are nearby will have to be very good indeed to escape with their skins…
  20. The Hide skill and all 'invisibility' spells will cause player characters to lose targeting on the character that has hidden or gone invisible.

Deity Alliance Score System

  • A base number of 100 points are awarded for a PvP kill when the victim is over level 20. Then 2 points are added per level difference of the killer and the victim. Example: If the killer was level 30 and the victim was level 35, the killer would receive 100 pts + (35 - 30) X 2 for 110pts total. If it was the other way around, the score would be 100pts + (30 - 35) X 2 for 90pts. As of July 26 they made a change to the way kill points were calculated on Sullon. The change is now that you will receive -5 points per level difference of your kill ONLY if your victim is 6 levels or greater below you. For example. A level 40 kills a level 20. He will receive 0 points for the kill assuming his base points were at 100.
  • There is a soft time limit of 1 hour for PvP kills. This means that killing the same person within the time limit will have diminished returns.
  • Killing the same person again within the time limit will reward only 50pts. 25 points for the 3rd kill. Zero points for the 4th kill. And finally -25pts for each additional kill after 4 for the time limit.
  • Being killed in PvP combat in the + or - 5 level range will result in a loss of 25 points.

Deity Insignia’s

  • Insignia’s come in 4 flavors. Minor, Normal, Greater, and Superior. Only the first 3 can be obtained by looting. Ten lesser insignia’s can be combined in a forge to produce a normal insignia. Ten normal insignia’s can be combined to produce a greater insignia. You then may combine the 10 greater insignia’s to produce a superior deity token.
  • The insignias themselves each have a point value. 1 pt for lesser, 5 pts for normal, 10 pts for greater, and finally 25 pts for a superior.
  • The superior tokens can be turned in for ingame rewards. This will be done either by quests or through a GM event.


The 'Teams':

The Good Alliance consists of: Erollisi Marr, Mithaniel Marr, Rodcet Nife, Quellious, Tunare

The Evil Alliance consists of: Bertoxxulous, Cazic Thule, Innoruuk, Rallos Zek

The Neutral Alliance consists of: Brell Serilis, Bristlebane, Karana, Prexus, Solusek Ro, The Tribunal, Veeshan.

There are no Agnostics on Sullon Zek. With the new influence of the gods, those that had not declared for one deity or another have been killed. Everyone now worships a deity, if not out of respect, love or fear of the god, then out of fear for their lives at the hands of fanatics.

Barbarian Shaman and Warriors can choose to worship Mithaniel Marr. Mithaniel Marr was unwilling to abandon all of the noble barbarians that served the good, and many declared themselves in favor of an alliance with Good.

Monks will be able to worship Veeshan. The Temple in Qeynos has discovered some ancient writings that opened up new avenues.

They will be including a method for the Good and Neutral teams to use Summon Corpse or something similar in the near future.

Keep in mind that they will probably be making some changes to this server as things progress.