Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): rav·aged; rav·ag·ing
Date: circa 1611
transitive senses : to wreak havoc on : affect destructively
intransitive senses : to commit destructive actions
- rav·age·ment /-vij-m&nt/ noun
- rav·ag·er noun

Function: Noun
Inflected Form(s): Tunarian
Date: circa 0001
Transitive Senses : A blight to all of Norrath. A nusiance to rid ourselves of.
intransitive senses : A source of entertainment for the Norrathian evil. An object for those of lesser faiths to follow so that the stronger may hunt them down.

Sullon Zek is a new server with a new rule-set. In General the server is based on the concept of a PvP teams server, like Tallon and Vallon Zek, but with the teams chosen based on which god the character worships rather than the race of the character. The "teams" will be referred to as "alliances" on this server, as they represent an alliance of the gods.

Within these pages, you will find information about our guild. Who we are, what we stand for, Events we're doing, etc. You can visit our message boards and interact with us through there.

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